Saturday, July 29, 2006

Sunday School Lesson, July 29th


INTRODUCTION Paul founded the church (ecclesia-God’s called out people) during his second missionary journey He later writes; I came to you in weakness and fear and with much trembling Not with wise and persuasive words but with demonstration of the Spirit’s power.(1 Corinthians 2:3)

The wisdom of people can not find God. By ‘find’ we mean to encounter and relate to God.
Science, Philosophy, mysticism make theories, but these are about God not encounters with God.
Science thought God coming as man was foolish; a God who died was nothing because in mythology the gods die annually.
God appears foolish to the wise people, and respect of God unnecessary.
And so they are perishing. (Daily drifting away from the source of life)
Professing themselves to be wise they became fools (Romans.1:22)

GOD DELIBERATELY CHOSE THIS FOOLISHNESS. He chose the unbelievable incarnation of himself in Christ and Christ's vicarious dying. This way negates the efforts of science the wisdom of philosophy and the power of mysticism. It is humbling to believe in something where God has done everything and man cannot assert power or achievment. So those who want to be wise label God’s wisdom as folly.

ONE PART OF SOCIETY WANTS MIRACLES ANOTHER WANTS WISDOM. (1 Corinthians 1:22) God gives them this unbelievable action which allows no glory or power to the intellectuals. God has done it all, all we are required to do is trust God. It is a great stumbling block to people who want to find God by their own efforts, and thus have some control.
The wisdom of the wise will pass away, and the intelligence of the intelligent will disappear. (Isaiah 29:14

Hidden from efforts to discover God by logic, science and mysticism, but revealed in Jesus. Who has told us what God plans for us?

Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 10But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit. (1 Corinthians 2:9)


The wise build life on the foundation of Jesus, Matthew 7.27
The wise keep the light of God burning in their lives. Matthew 25. 1-13

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Conversation in court

A desperate judge and a silent prisoner. The evidence isn’t strong enough to obtain the death penalty, and the judge, who is chief priest of the nation, has already decided that this man must die.

He commands the prisoner to speak. Swearing in the name of God, (something forbidden under his own law) he charges Jesus to answer his questions;
“Are you the Christ?” “Are you the son of God?”

Jesus answers: “It is as you say.” But I say to all of you, you will see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of God and coming in the clouds of heaven”

Shocked, the court pronounces judgment. Jesus is guilty of blasphemy, and under their religious law, people who blaspheme die.

Yet, it is Jesus who had pronounced sentence upon the court. He has reminded them of the prophecy of Daniel. Daniel talks of world powers, about how one nation after another will rule over Israel and over most of the world, but he says that in his vision he saw a person like ‘a son of man’ coming with heavenly clouds. This Son of Man approaches the Ancient of Days and is led into his presence. Authority is conferred upon the Son of Man that he shall govern in glory and power over all people and nations. He will be praised and thanked in many languages. His dominion will never pass away and his realm will never be destroyed.

Jesus had sealed his fate, crucifixion is certain now. The chief priest and other priests hurry him away to the Roman ruler.

To the priests such a claim as Jesus had made seemed impossible. Yet Jesus had given every sign, he had forgiven sins, preached the news of God's kingdom, he had healed the people and fed them, he had used the sacred title, ‘I am” he had demonstrated his power to raise people to life. Even so, they could not believe. The force of evil had blinded these religious men to the hope of the faithful and the focus of all religion.

What should have been their sustaining hope? The hope that their names were written in God’s book of life. Instead of hope they now have fear. They no longer dare to look forward to the day when God, at last, steps in to put an end to violence and injustice, because they fear that the one who comes with him will be this man, Jesus.

Jesus has said that they will see him coming not as their prisoner but as their judge. For the rest of their lives they must deny the likelihood that Jesus is indeed the Prince of the Kingdom of God. Jesus has said that they will see, and they fear what they will see. Because when they do it will be too late to believe.

Over the years since Jesus died and rose again, there have been many who chose not to believe. They have ignored Jesus, dismissed his claims. When they see him coming to put everything right, he will not be their savior but their judge.
Gospel of Matthew chapter 26, verses 62 - 67
Old Testament book of Daniel chapter 7, verses 13 and 14

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Conversation between Jesus and Judas

“It would have been better for that person if he had never been born.” Awesome gift; the gift of life! Dangerous gift; you can’t return it, you can’t unborn yourself! Job wished he had never been born, cursed the day he was born, but he chose to live. Judas didn’t, he chose to die. Went and hanged himself.

Why did he do it? He was one of the inner circle of 12 followers, he was the treasurer, and was getting personally rich on the job. Why did he agree to help the people who would come at night to arrest Jesus? Best guess is that he never thought Jesus would let himself be arrested; he thought that by identifying Jesus at night, in the unlit garden, he could trigger the revolt against Rome and bring Jesus and himself into the life of power, prestige and possessions.

Jesus confronted him, “One of the people eating from this dish with me, will betray me.”
“Surely not me.” Said Judas.
“You have said it.” Replies Jesus.
A little later, Jesus looked at Judas and said,
‘Whatever you’re going to do, do it quickly.”
And Judas goes out into the night.

Jesus didn’t try to stop this man from doing the thing that would cause the death of both of them, one from his own hands, and one from the executioners. Why didn’t he? Why didn’t he plead with Judas to think again and save himself from his folly?

Does Jesus still do the same today? Does he allow us to make our own decisions, and choose our own actions? The answer is yes. The only ones who are stopped from their folly and given ability to change their minds are the ones who have asked for his help. Natural man does not want the help of God or his son, he wants to be guided by his own reason, do what he believes to be best.

“It would be better for (Judas) if he had never been born.” Says Jesus. Judas overwhelmed by his part in the crime of killing the innocent, goes back to the plotters and throws his payment on the ground. It makes no difference, the deed is done.

But does he have to end his life? Mocked by the plotters, despised by the friends of Jesus. (In the dark night, Judas showed the soldiers which one of the group to arrest by going up to Jesus and greeting him with a kiss.) how was he to continue living? Pride gone, plans gone.

He never asked for forgiveness, too humiliating I expect. Never prayed for a chance to change his life, too humiliating. Never knew the mental and emotional relief of calling out, “I’ve sinned, God have mercy on me.” To the end he relied upon himself and remained master of himself.

Does God have mercy on people who never ask for it? Yes or we would all be dead of our sins. Did God have mercy on Judas? Jesus says not, “It would have been better for that man, never to have been born.” Judas rushes on into death and resurrection and the judgment day.

Gospel of Matthew chapter 26. Verses 25 to 26
And verses 47 – 49

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Conversation at the Summit

There has been a hidden nation throughout these many years since Jesus died and rose again. He brought this nation to earth, and was himself the embodiment of it. In his prayer he called it ‘God's kingdom’ as in “Thy kingdom come.’
Wherever God is respected and obeyed; that is the nation/kingdom of God. God is the sovereign ruler of that nation and people who respect and obey him are citizens, waiting to inherit the final establishment of the nation in the days after the present world era.

Jesus tells this prophecy about the end of the world. He says he will gather all the nations before him and divide them into just two nations, the nation that did what God requires of humanity, and the nation that did not.

Jesus says the conversation will go something like this (I am making a very rough paraphrase here) to one nation he will say:
‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom I have prepared for you from before the world was begun.’ You fed me when I was hungry, took me in when I was homeless, you visited me when I was in prison and came to me when I was sick.’
Jesus says the response will be, ‘When did this happen? When did we see you sick, homeless, hungry, in prison?’
He will reply:
‘When you did these things for the least important people you in fact did them for me.’

God’s values are justice, mercy (compassion is included in mercy) and humility. Humility meaning the opposite of greed, pride, and power. These are the characteristics of God himself that are given to humanity. Those who respect God and seek to obey him are enabled to cultivate these characteristics. Those who care more about themselves than about God eradicate these characteristics. One duty of The Church is to develop these gifts in people who give allegiance to God.

The way Jesus tells it, the same conversation happens with the other nation. But this time it will be in the negative:
‘You did not feed me, clothe me, offer me hospitality, come to me when I was sick, or visit me in hospital.
And the reply will be the same,
‘When did this happen, when did we ever see you sick, hungry, homeless?’
The same answer but this time with the negative.
“You did not do it to the least citizen or orphan so you did not do it to me.”

This will be the conversation at the great summit, when Jesus who was despised and rejected returns as judge of all humanity. In this prophecy he tells us that one nation will enter into eternal life the other nation will go away, into eternal punishment.
Matthew chapter 25 verses 31 – 46

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Adult Sunday School, July 16


Natural man has no ability to hear the call because he is dead in sin.
God calls us but it is only through the Spirit breathing us into life that we are able to recognize the call and respond and live.
• God is faithful, he has called you into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Corinthians 1:9
• God …calls you into his own kingdom and glory
• Jesus is the mediator of the new covenant …that those who are called may receive the promise of eternal inheritance Hebrews 9:15
• Jesus has come to call the sinners (everyone) to repent. (Mark 2.17)
• All things work together for good..for them who are called according to his purpose. Romans 828.

GOD CALLS US TO SANCTIFICATION (also called holiness)
To be sanctified is to be separate for God, dedicated to his purpose.
• Jesus prayed that we would be sanctified in the truth (John 17.17)
• Paul prays that God may sanctify us (1 Thessalonians 5.23)
• Bellievers are washed, sanctified and justified (1 Corinthians 6:11)

• Barnabus and Saul set apart for work God has called them to (Acts 13:2)
• Moses and Aaron were called
• All of us are not to return evil for evil but are called to bless 1 Peter 3.9
• The specific task is always appropriate to who we are. Moses was a prince, Paul was already a theologian, Peter was used to being with a group and working for a purpose. What are you called to?

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Wanting a sign

Moses stumbled into the presence of God when he was herding sheep in the desert. God caught his attention when Moses saw a bush alight with fire but not burning away, but God did more than that: he called to Moses by name.

Many people long for something like this. They would like to meet God when God is demonstrating his miracles, and most of all they long for God to call out to them, to call them by name. They imagine the confidence they would have in God after seeing the fire, and the sense of acceptance they would have after hearing him call their name. .

Of course some people are cautious and even if they saw the non-consuming flame and heard the divine voice they would still want proof that this was actually THE God, the reliable one, not some false figment of their imagination; especially when the conversation includes directions and instructions. . Moses probably had wondered often why God didn’t do something about the subjugation and oppression of Moses’ own ethnic people. The surprise came when God said, ‘I have seen it, I have heard them suffering, and I am going to send you to change it.’ If you are longing to hear God call your name be prepared for surprises.

Moses was very cautious, not about God, but about the instructions, God gives him a sign, so that he can be sure. And the sign isn’t going to happen until he has completely carried out the instructions – an interval of at least 3 months and perhaps a year during which he was to negotiate for the release of his oppressed nation.

It will be the same for the people living today, who long to see the fire and hear the voice. The only proof that God is worthy of your trust comes after you have trusted him enough to carry out his instructions.

This can be demonstrated by talking to the people who have already trusted God. Their experience is; among other things, that he does see them, he does hear them, and above all he changes them so that they become a little like he is. This being changed into the likeness of God is evident in an increase in their ability to love, a deep sense of peace (because they have put God in charge of their living) and an increase in patience, kindness, goodness, trustworthiness, gentleness and self-control.

When these things happen even cautious people know they are following the real God. When these things don’t happen, even after following directions; it wasn’t the real God.

Exodus chapter 3:1-12
Galations chapter 5: 22-23

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Selecting a life-style

JUSTICE, MERCY AND FAITH. In a long conversation with the crowds Jesus picked out these three values as being the important ones for a life-style that pleases God.

The question readers would like to ask is, are they values that would please me?

If a person decided to live his/her whole life in accordance with these values would he/she be pleased with the quality and meaning of their life?

Justice – Yes I’d guess that anyone who chose justice as a value would be pleased with themselves and their lives. Because they valued justice they would try to see that no person would be underprivileged, or denied opportunity. If they were trying to live justly they wouldn’t break good laws to gain unfair advantage. Yes I think a person seeking to live justly could be look in the mirror every morning and like the person he/she saw.

Mercy – Yes, but not so clear cut. Forgiving might mean a struggle because forgiven people often do not value their forgiveness, and often don’t stop offending. So a person reviewing their life and remembering how often they had been merciful to the ungrateful, and how often their mercy had been abused, might experience a little frustration and irritation. Still with sufficient reflection I think they could feel pleased with themselves.

Faith –It would depend who and what they had faith in. Faith is a great value to have. But where and how faith is used could make the difference between reviewing one’s life with satisfaction, or with regret. When Jesus talked about faith he meant faith placed in God, the one, the only God, and in Jesus as his incarnation. The evidence is that yes, a person who did this would review their lives with pleasure. People who have placed their faith in God, through Jesus, state often and loudly that they are glad they have done so. The people who did not do this; you don’t hear them proclaiming that they are glad they didn’t.

Most of us people who believe Jesus was telling the truth need a lot more faith. When we are threatened by loss of status, affection or power, we often forget to rely on God and try to protect ourselves to our own time-table and in our own way, when we do this we sometimes (often) behave in less than honorable ways.

So when we review our life under this heading we are pleased that we put our faith in the one God through Jesus his messenger. We believe that God’s involvement in our lives has lit our inner selves up with a great radiance. However we are often not pleased with ourselves because our faith was not always consistent and we did ourselves and others harm when we stopped trusting God and started protecting ourselves in dishonorable ways.

The recommended life-style. Even before Jesus brought the message of God to us, other preachers were recommending this life-style, and still others were demonstrating it in their lives. Micah who preached about 700 years before Jesus, summed it us in these words. God has shown mankind what God requires: that they do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

Matthew chapter 23, verse 23 and Micah chapter 6, verse 8

Friday, July 07, 2006

Conversation designed to trap

The temple lawyers considered it of supreme importance to stop Jesus preaching. He said things they didn’t agree with and threatened to change the established order. So they designed a question to trap him. Their nation was occupied by the Romans and they were compelled to pay taxes to Caesar, they hated that.

They planned to ask Jesus if citizens of a non-Roman country should pay taxes to a Roman ruler.

If Jesus said, “No” he would be reported to the Roman authorities and be tried for sedition. If Jesus said, “Yes” he would immediately become very unpopular with the people he was preaching to, because they thought he was going to lead them in a revolt against Rome and restore them to the status of a free and independent nation.

Jesus recognized that the lawyers had not come seeking wisdom and knowledge but had come to trap him. He asked that someone hand him a coin of the common currency they all used. When he received it he held it up and asked whose head was engraved on the coin. The reply was, ‘Caesars’. “Then give to Caesar what is Caesars and to God what is God’s.” was the reply, the lawyers were disappointed but impressed. (To read the record go to Matthew 22 verses 15 to 22)

Let’s change the topic from conversations designed to entrap to conversations designed to be honest enquiries, about the existence or relevance of God. Will that sort of conversation with God always get an answer? Well the truth is the answer has been written. The Holy Scriptures (the Bible) contain many answers to that kind of question and it is never promised that the individual who calls out, ‘God, prove your existence to me’ will get an answer. This calling out is a kind of insult to God who has acted and caused a record of those actions to be written, and sent his son to speak actual words.

What happens to the individual who doesn’t have any faith at all? To this individual any attempt to talk to God is just too big a challenge to his reason and sensibility. I would answer that surely it is possible begin to speak into the void and ask to be given some spiritual understanding. To call out ‘Help me.’ But of course for many people this is impossible because it threatens their self-sufficiency.

The 12 close friends of Jesus made this request, “Lord, increase our faith.” And got a surprising response, Jesus said something along the line of, even the least little bit of faith can change the world. (Luke 17.6) Sometimes the urgent question is not so much about how much faith you are willing to attempt to but whether you would like to change your world.

Conversation with a silent listener

Psalm 42 (paraphrased)

I will say to God, why have you forgotten me?
I will say to God, I am oppressed by destructive forces and spend a lot of time mourning, why have you let this happen?

And there is no answer.

This man speaks to God from his heart. He says things that a ‘good’ preacher might rebuke him for saying, why have you forgotten me? Why am I sad all the time?

Church people often get upset when we are not praising God and saying nice things about him. It really worries them. The people whose songs and prayers are recorded in the book of Psalms would not reproach us. They believed that God knows our thoughts. If God already knows we are struggling with bewilderment, doubt and confusion then surely it is alright to express our thoughts to him in conversation. Truth is valued by God and so it is safer to speak the truth to him than to hide it, and confuse ourselves.

Did God answer?

The man who is writing this praise song suddenly begins to speak to himself, in the middle of his prayer to God. (We call this speaking to oneself in the presence of God – and for very lonely people this might be the only healing conversation they can find) He asks himself, “Why are you downhearted?” “Why are you disturbed? Then he speaks to himself again. “Put your hope in God, because the time will come again when you praise and thank him. He is your God and he is your help.”

How did he know that? Because he had remembered how often God had been good to him in the past. Perhaps because he had remembered the sacred record of the acts of God (the scriptures) and knew that God always does good to those who rely on him.

Did all that thinking come from his own mind? Or was he prompted? Did some silent listener help him turn from sorrowful thoughts to hopeful thoughts? If that happened, then we would say that the Holy Spirit spoke to him in his thoughts and helped him regain hope and courage.
Who hears your words? When pain and bewilderment spill out of your mind and into your speech, who is listening? Of course it depends who you are talking to. But if you are spilling it all out in a conversation with God, then you can be sure he won’t rebuke you for not saying nice things to him. What might happen is that God might just nudge your thoughts a little, so that faith in him and hope about your future begin to happen in your mind. Then like the rest of us, you can get up off your knees and begin to live again, knowing that God is determined to bless you and that you are quite willing for him to do that.