Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Believe me!

'If you are the Messiah, please tell us plainly.' This was what the people asked Jesus as he walked in the temple grounds.
"I have told you, replied Jesus. If you want an answer look at the things I do. Believe the evidence I have shown you. Believe that I and my Father are one."
Deadlock: On the one hand people who wanted an answer, on the other hand Jesus who wanted them to believe him.

Which group would you join, if you were there? Which group will you join now, today? Your answer is the deciding factor. Believe what Jesus says and you enter a whole new relationship with God.

It is not some great thing that Jesus asks you to do. You do not have to climb up to heaven, or spend your life struggling to be what you are not. Faith is a gift, the words, "Lord Jesus, I believe." are all that is asked of you. The result is major, life-changing, like opening your eyes after living blind. The result is major but the act is simple. It's like getting born, the baby does only one thing to receive life, he takes a breath. Everything else has already been done for him.

The act of believing is just that simple, like taking the first breath; just say "Lord I believe." and Jesus will take responsibility for the rest.

People hesitate to say 'Lord I believe" because they endeavour to take too much responsibility for what will follow. It's not necessary. What follows is like life follows the first breath of the newborn. The newborn begins to live a day at a time, growing slowly, learning to feed, learning to recognize his parents. His parents take responsiblity for all that happens to him: they feed him, they help him learn, and above all they protect and care for him. That is what Jesus wants to do for you, not what you are being asked to do for yourself.

"Do you believe?" said Jesus to the man born blind, Lord I believe said the man who once was blind but now could see.

The question is not about you, but about Jesus. Do you believe he is the Son of God? That's all. It's not about the quality of your faith, only about who you believe. Faith grows after you've said "Lord I believe."

The gospel of John chapter 10 verse 22 - 42