Saturday, July 15, 2006

Wanting a sign

Moses stumbled into the presence of God when he was herding sheep in the desert. God caught his attention when Moses saw a bush alight with fire but not burning away, but God did more than that: he called to Moses by name.

Many people long for something like this. They would like to meet God when God is demonstrating his miracles, and most of all they long for God to call out to them, to call them by name. They imagine the confidence they would have in God after seeing the fire, and the sense of acceptance they would have after hearing him call their name. .

Of course some people are cautious and even if they saw the non-consuming flame and heard the divine voice they would still want proof that this was actually THE God, the reliable one, not some false figment of their imagination; especially when the conversation includes directions and instructions. . Moses probably had wondered often why God didn’t do something about the subjugation and oppression of Moses’ own ethnic people. The surprise came when God said, ‘I have seen it, I have heard them suffering, and I am going to send you to change it.’ If you are longing to hear God call your name be prepared for surprises.

Moses was very cautious, not about God, but about the instructions, God gives him a sign, so that he can be sure. And the sign isn’t going to happen until he has completely carried out the instructions – an interval of at least 3 months and perhaps a year during which he was to negotiate for the release of his oppressed nation.

It will be the same for the people living today, who long to see the fire and hear the voice. The only proof that God is worthy of your trust comes after you have trusted him enough to carry out his instructions.

This can be demonstrated by talking to the people who have already trusted God. Their experience is; among other things, that he does see them, he does hear them, and above all he changes them so that they become a little like he is. This being changed into the likeness of God is evident in an increase in their ability to love, a deep sense of peace (because they have put God in charge of their living) and an increase in patience, kindness, goodness, trustworthiness, gentleness and self-control.

When these things happen even cautious people know they are following the real God. When these things don’t happen, even after following directions; it wasn’t the real God.

Exodus chapter 3:1-12
Galations chapter 5: 22-23


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