Friday, January 18, 2008


This (today's selection) is one of the happiest stories in the life of Jesus. Its something that I enjoy reading and re-reading, especially on days when the wine runs out.

Some people when they first hear this story of Jesus turning water into wine which tasted even better than the original wine, want to know 'If the story is true?' That is really a false trail to follow; it's the meaning of the story that people need to know. Especially you, the reader, because these stories about Jesus 'speak' to you and to your circumstances. The message of this story is that Jesus is the person who changes crisis into celebration. Your own included.

All the details of the story are happy, except the dismay of the wedding host when he discovers he has invited people to a celebration without providing enough wine for them to drink. Jesus has arrived with the four people who are the first of his hand-picked students, that is happy. It is happy because when his mother confides the problem to her, he tells her that he isn't ready to begin doing public preaching yet, but goes ahead and does what she asks anyway. The servants are happy because they had the courage and confidence in Jesus to do just what he asked, take water from the huge water containers and pour it into the guest's wine cups. The guests are happy because the new wine is better than the old wine.
Everyone of those things is a symbol. They point to the fact that Jesus grants petitions, that people who follow his instructions are part of the solution, and to the fact that Jesus is the person who transforms everything.
Transformation is the key-word of this story. Wine is a symbol for life which gets transformed by Jesus, so that the new life is better than the old life. The servants are symbolic of all the people who trust Jesus enough to obey him and by so doing make life better for others.
Did it really happen? The Christian experience is so full of transforming events that it is easy to believe this story just as it is written, but again that isn't the most important thing.
The most important thing is can it happen in your life? Can sorrow turn to joy? Can things which were failing become things which thrive? Can a good life become even better still? The answer is yes. Christian people are constantly exchanging stories about transformations that took place in their lives. Like the servants in the story they had confidence in Jesus and courage to follow his instructions, Transformations followed.
When the Bible talks about the 'end time' it describes a great marriage feast. where Jesus and the people who have trusted him become united in a close union like a marriage. This close union continues into all the ages that follow this present age.

John, the person who is writing this particular account of the life of Jesus, calls this kind of action a 'sign' it was much more than a miracle, it wasn't done to convince you of Jesus' power, it was done to give you a message and the message is that wherever Jesus is trusted and obeyed life is transformed.

Gospel of John chapter two, first few verses.

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