Saturday, August 12, 2006

Adult Sunday School Lesson August 12

Verse 10 Paul refers to his work of preaching as building a building, what is the building?

What happened in the historical building with this name? What was its identity?
When the building was destroyed, why didn’t God command the construction of a new building?

Verse 10. Paul refers to the church as a building he says he has laid the foundation but other people build on that foundation. What kind of materials were used then, and are still used to build great buildings? (verse 12)

Verse 16 Paul was talking about the congregation but the congregation consists of individuals, each believer in Christ has become this kind of building. What kind of a building are you? What happens in the building that you are?

Verse 13 What will reveal whether the building materials used are permanent or temporary?

Verse 15 What will happen to the persons whose materials do not stand the test?

The church Paul was writing to was imperfect, they had begun to quarrel about which kind of preaching they would shape their lives around. Does it surprise you that the church (or The Church) is imperfect?

Here are two views of what the church should be.
Pelagius said the church should be a fortress of righteousness, and the believers should be warriors in behalf of goodness and charity.
Augustine said the church was somewhat similar to a hospital with invalids and babies who were not able to defeat the worldly pressure but were utterly dependent on God’s grace.
After years of reflection the assembled congregations decided that one view was mistaken and the other correct. Which would you guess was the correct one?

Luther and Calvin said there was one thing above all, that they had to strongly resist. What was it? Is that view still held by Christians today?

Verse 21 At the end of the chapter Paul declares that the believer has received everything necessary to be the kind of building he is talking about, and to receive the activity carried on within the building. List the things he mentions.

What is Paul’s rational for such an audacious claim?

The church that this Sunday School class belongs to has a motto: Ecclesia reformata sed semper reformanda. Do you know what it means and does it alarm you?

Luther thought the Church was so sinful he was afraid it would not last till Jesus returned. Did Jesus say anything similar? (Luke 18:8) What do you think?

Is there any glory to God in an imperfect church? What is it?

When certain parts of The Church seem sick or weak or sinful shall we run from them or stay?

Note: this lesson is based on the address which Mark Achteimer delivered at the Gathering of Presbyterians 1V Dallas, Texas, September 28,1999 and has been printed and distributed by the PCUSA Office of theology and worship.


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