Saturday, September 01, 2007

Jesus condemns himself to death

Matthew chapter 26 verse 57-65
The group of soldiers, led by Judas who had showed them who to arrest, made their way through the dark streets to the house of Caiaphas the High Priest. The High Priest and the other priests believed it was better to execute Jesus than have the Romans come down and kill many of the citizens on some suspected uprising. Jesus had made statements that sounded like blasphemy and that was an offence that was punishable by death.
Apparently there were several people willing to say anything to please the court but they didn't seem to be credible, religious people like to do their sins religiously. At last they found two people who quoted Jesus on something that sounded more crazy than blasphemous.
The High Priest turned to Jesus himself and commanded him in the name of God to say if he was the Messiah, the Son of God.
Because they had been unable to make a good case in their own court, Jesus could have said something placating and escaped the death penalty. Instead he shocks them all by saying. "It is as you said. Nevertheless, I say to you, hereafter you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven." Jesus has claimed to be the one who was given power and glory and a kingdom by God himself. He had quoted their highly venerated prophet Daniel who talks about the time when God establishes his own rule over the kingdoms on the earth. So horrible was it to suggest that Jesus, the carpenter from Nazareth could be the Son of Man that the religious officials tore their clothes as a sign of that they abhorred the blasphemy.
So Jesus condemned himself. Still (and forever) human and divine this young man surely shrunk from the cruelty, ridicule and pain that would happen to him now. But he had done what he came to do, he had made himself known as the revelation of God, God made human, he had forewarned his judges that one day the Kingdom of God would be established, the kingdom that cannot be destroyed.
Today we are nervous about saying that Jesus is God made visible, it is so incredible. All people are willing to believe that Jesus was a good man and a wise teacher, we hesitate to upset them by reminding them of the claims Jesus himself made. Apparently what happens after Jesus dies is that people who believe in him preach to each other and to others the things that Jesus said about himself. Only a few people believe because it is so incredible. Then God, the Holy Spirit moves in the heart of people and suddenly they believe!
It's hard for ardent eager preaches like myself to preach something which is difficult for people to accept. It is hard to wait for God's time when God's spirit moves in their heart. Actually parts of being a Christian are very hard, the rest, well could you believe it? It is glorious now and glorious soon and God's glory forever. Christ has come, Christ has died, Christ will come again. .


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