Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Who was the woman who wasted the perfume?

Who was the woman who poured expensive ointment over the head of Jesus as he sat in the house of the healed leper? Isn't it strange that Jesus said wherever his story was told her story would also be told, but we don't even know her name? Seems to suggest what Jesus thinks about fame; that the deed is more to be praised than the person.

This story encourages me enormously. What Jesus valued was not even the gift, it was her understanding that he was actually going to die that he valued. She understood that Jesus intended to let his accusers convict and execute him and that he had a reason for doing so. More than that she probably did not know. Lazarus had recently been brought back to life after three days in the grave, but Jesus had made that happen and if Jesus was dead he couldn't bring himself to life.

Jesus wasn't executed because he was wicked but because he insisted on obeying God, who had sent him with a message and a revelation to deliver. The message that the kingdoms of earth would become the Kingdom of God was was a threat to Rome. The message that Jesus was God made visible, was considered blaphemy. So the leaders had to kill him. Their law was that anyone who blasphemed must die. Jesus knew this.

Almost everyone was surprised when he rose from the dead three days after he was buried, (at the same time many other graves were opened and many other people came alive but we don't hear anymore about those other people.) It was understood that only God himself could have made him come alive, which meant that Jesus was not blaspheming when he said he was God made visible.

After his resurrection Jesus was seen by many people, all his close followers, some of his family, and over five hundred people at one time. They testified that he had walked with them eaten with them and spent many days explaining the Kingdom of God.

The woman who poured the expensive perfuse over Jesus had shown that she understood that Jesus intended to submit to arrest and execution. Did she understand at the time that dying would be the single most valuable thing of all the things Jesus did? God raised Jesus from the burial cave. by this act God showed that Jesus had not been lying when he said that he was God made visible. God on high raising the dead and God on earth dying on a cross. One God, only one God, yet in many places, doing many things. God The Holy Trinity. Goodnight and Godbless.


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