Thursday, November 16, 2006

A good catch, a meal, and a friend.

A good catch of fish, a meal, and a friend. This was one of the gifts Jesus gave to the men who had accompanied him on his itinerary of preaching and healing.

When Jesus came back from the dead, he no longer preached to the crowds but visited privately with the people who had trusted him; He was seen by the women at the cave where he had been buried; then Peter saw him and talked with him; then James saw him, then he visited often with the 11 remaining disciples, he walked beside two lonely people as they went home believing him to be dead. 500 people at once saw. After several weeks Jesus went to be with his heavenly Father.

Paul who had never seen Jesus before, saw him only as a bright light and heard a voice that no one else heard. Since Jesus returned to his Father innumerable myriads of people have become aware that Jesus lives and have decided to accept his invitation to, “Follow me.”

Five of the men who had accompanied Jesus, went out fishing on the lake. This was the way they had earned their living before Jesus invited them to, “Follow Me.” They spent a hard night casting nets into the lake but caught nothing.

Returning to shore they saw someone standing on the beach; he called out and advised them to let their nets down once more, on the other side of the boat, they did so and caught 150 fish. Getting nearer they recognized the man as Jesus, their leader who had come back from the dead. Jesus had made a fire and was roasting fish. “Come and have breakfast.” he invited them. Amazing that Jesus who had endured so much, and who was so exalted now as the man God had brought back from the dead would stoop to gather branches and to light a fire for the men who had been his friends when he was an itinerant preacher. This is what life with the companionship of the risen Lord is like; he is always involved in our lives, encouraging, strengthening.

The last few words of the record in the Gospel of John say that if all the things Jesus did were written down not even the whole world would have room for the books that were written. That sounds like a very extravagant claim. When I look around the world today at the things that are being done by Jesus through the people who serve him, I can believe it. One person tells the story of Jesus to many others and they are changed. One changed life changes another, one act of love gives birth to more acts of love; one forgiven person forgives many others. Jesus is still at work, he says that he has overcome the world with its confusing demands and temptations; he says that the enemy of souls has fallen from power. Jesus gives the people who love him the privilege of sharing in his work, but if they falter and fail because they pay too much attention to the attractions and worries of the world, Jesus will invite another group to become his co-workers.

“Follow me.” Says Jesus to Peter (The man who had lied about his connections to Jesus.) “Don’t worry about what will happen to other people, just make it your business to follow me.” Jesus was always inviting people to come to him, to join in his activity and to follow him. He said it at the beginning of his public ministry and he continued to say it. Jesus returned to his father; that meant that his friends no longer had the assurance of his physical presence, but his spiritual presence was stronger still since his spirit is not limited in the way a physical body is.

For Peter following Jesus meant continuing to allow God to mold Peter’s character till he became loving and patient and strong and wise and courageous as Jesus was. It meant continuing to say the words that Jesus had said, to baptize and to heal and to forgive. It meant teaching that God is love and God is good. Peter never again denied that he knew Jesus and he, too, was crucified by the enemies of Jesus.

“Follow me.” Says Jesus. He says it still, inviting everyone who hears to begin a life that will become a power for good. Inviting them to walk in the pathway that he has already walked. He invites them to follow him being reverent and obedient to God, feeding the poor, healing the sick, forgiving wrongs. The work they do will be rewarded and the good that they do will live after them.

Sometimes that pathway is difficult, but often it is wonderfully happy. God provides for and protects those who love Jesus, Jesus accompanies those who serve him, and we have his friendship; the friendship of man who loved us so much that he died so that he could conquer death and cause us to share in his resurrected life.

The Gospel of John: chapter 21, verses 1 - 25
1 Corinthian 15:5
Colossians 3:24
Revelation 14:13

End of this series.


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