Saturday, October 07, 2006

Let love be the victor.

Do not be afraid, is an instruction, not just a consolation. Jesus was preparing his disciples for the shock of his arrest and crucifixion. In these circumstances, ‘Do not be afraid,’ sounds unreasonable. The followers of Jesus would rightly reason that because their leader was in danger they also were in danger. When Jesus was arrested 10 of the 11 remaining disciples, left him and ran for their lives. Peter the more courageous did follow at a distance, but when challenged he denied that he had ever known Jesus.

And yet, Jesus did not give commands that were unlikely to be followed. The difference would be in the indwelling. If you love me, said Jesus, keep me commands, and my Father will also love you, and we will come to you and make you the dwelling place of Trinity. Remembering what Jesus had taught them, and carrying out of his instructions became the most important thing in life for the people who had listened to Jesus. There were many more than the 11 who were called disciples. Through their memory we have received the gospels of Matthew, Mark Luke and John.

The dying usually extract promises from their loved ones; instead, Jesus gave promises to his loved ones. His promises were not limited to the 11 men in the room with him, but to all who believed what he had said and showed their love by following his instructions. He promised that after a little while he would come for them and take them to be where he is. He promised that they would not be left alone in the world, and he promised that they would do greater works than he had done.

Greater works than he had done, how could that be? Jesus’ works included raising the dead, healing the blind deaf and lame, taming nature and feeding people who had no food. How could there be anything greater? But there was! The people who loved Jesus did do the same kind of miracles but did them in greater numbers, and in many more places, and for many more generations.

Countless numbers of people have been healed by their prayers and through their hospitals, countless numbers have been educated and fitted for a better life through their schools, and countless starving have been kept alive through their distributions. All the major religions do good works for the people who believe what they believe. The followers of Christ delight to do good works for the people who do not believe as we do, we include the atheists and the people who hate Jesus in the love we put into action on their behalf. We do good to our enemies and pray for those who treat us badly.

Today, hatred and revenge spill out all over our world, secular leaders try to exterminate evil by exterminate those who do evil. God has another way, on the human battlefield between Good and Evil, God has raised a banner.
A banner is a sign which shows intentions and becomes a rallying point for followers. His banner says one word, ‘Love’ and the people present with him are instructed to ‘love one another’

Hatred and violence have erupted around us but God continues to do good in the very presence of the evil which threatens to roll over us like lava from a volcano. Every generation sees progress in the service of God. This generation’s opportunity is to follow the instructions of Jesus, so powerfully that, ‘Love’ becomes the supreme value and rule of conduct for all people. This cannot happen through our secular leaders, but can happen through persistently following our spiritual leader’s instructions. All the major religions proclaim that they love God and his work, therefore we must come together to exalt God. As we work together we must of necessity learn how to allow each person to worship as they have been taught, without force or penalty. Never denying Jesus but honoring all those who declare that they love God. Together we can express such strong and powerful love for the whole world that our love will triumph over the hatred and destruction presently being worked. God will bless and strengthen our love, when it is true and pure from conceit. Greater works than mine, you shall do, said Jesus.

His banner over me is love: Song of Solomon chapter 2, verse 4.
The instructions of God: Deuteronomy, chapter 5, verses 1-22
The instructions of Jesus: Matthew, chapters 5 through 7
The last instruction of Jesus: John, chapter 13 verse 34
Promises made at death’s door. John, chapter 14. verses 3,12, 16, 23, 27


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