Friday, August 25, 2006

Reverse Taxation

Welcomed, taught and fed, and all without taxation. One small gift miraculously multiplied so that a meal for one becomes a meal for 5,000 men, women and children. There is a lesson here; the well-fed people still marveling at the size of the miracle they had participated in, learned the lesson – Jesus would make a wonderful ruler, they began to discuss how they could declare him king and Jesus hurriedly left them and got lost from view in the mountains.

What they had just experienced was a demonstration of the Kingdom of God. The kingdom that shall come, and already is.

The disciples had distributed to the seated groups, the broken bread that Jesus had blessed. The people had eaten all that they wanted, and still left over were 12 baskets full. Abundance – one of the spiritual laws of the kingdom.
Provision– what the government of the kingdom will do for the people, and all without taxation. Welcome – the entrance into the kingdom, Enlightenment – the condition of the population. The people who ate the bread experienced the nature of the Kingdom of God, It was this Kingdom of God that Jesus constantly preached as he traveled from place to place proclaiming what is called ‘the good news’

Jesus had planned this demonstration, he knew what he would do when he told the disciples to feed the people, and when Andrew told him that there was no food left in their baskets, and only one boy had food left to share. The people who ate the bread understood part of the lesson; Jesus was the appropriate person to be their leader, but they did not yet understand the Kingdom of God.

Jesus had come to earth not to become king but to become King of Kings. It is as King of Kings that Jesus will welcome all who come to him to another feast; the feast that inaugurates the reign of God, the Kingdom of God, and the good government that shall not subdue the people but shall share with them the work of maintaining justice equality and opportunity for all who have become citizens of the Kingdom of God.

Gospel of John chapter 6: verses 15-15
Gospel of Matthew chapter 14: verses 13-21
Gospel of Mark chapter 6: verses 30-44
Gospel of Luke chapter 9: verses 10-17
Psalm 104: second half of verse 28 When you open your hand they (the people and animals) are filled with good things.


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