Friday, March 24, 2006

We need new hearts

Reading for Saturday March 25
Bible selection: Gospel of Mark 7:1-23
Physically it is very important what we put in our mouths, because diet influences our physical heart. When scripture talks about the heart however it is talking about the emotion, will and passion that proceeds from our inner selves. Spiritually speaking, our hearts are already sick beyond cure. Evil thoughts, sexual immorality, murderous wishes and intentions, plans for dishonest gain, lies, pride. These things come out of our hearts without cultivation or permission, they simply arise, sometimes we struggle against them, and sometimes we allow them free expression. People have the feeling that if it came up in them then it must be O.K. We need new hearts because the ones we originally have are diseased and making our whole person sick. Our sick hearts are corrupting the world we live in, evil causing evil, until hatred and revenge are the only things that hardened hearts can produce.

God has commanded all people to love him with all our heart. Also with all our soul and with our entire mind. This command unites all people who honor God.

God, through the prophet Ezekiel has purposed that our hearts should be made new. Also that God’s laws will be written on our hearts so that we are naturally inclined to remember them. This promise is the new covenant that God will make, instead of the old one that people could not keep. This new heart comes to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is Jesus who has been God’s agent in making the new covenant a reality.

This is good news for all people, yet some people are so hostile to Jesus that they cannot receive the new covenant and be renewed in heart. To those people I would say, why? Why have you let Jesus become an obstacle that divides us in the love of the same God we all serve? What has Jesus done that you despise him, and his followers? He came to do the will of God, the very thing we are all endeavoring to do. The people who trust in Jesus have sinned; will you let the sins of humans separate you from the love of God? Will you not much rather disregard the poor feeble efforts of people and be joined to the perfect life that was lived without sin. Jesus has brought us the message that God is love and how can you disapprove of that? Do you not know it to be true? Jesus brought two messages from God; one that humanity needs to stop sinning and turn to God, secondly that God is making for himself a kingdom that he will rule and will share with all who believe. What can you deny? The message is the same one that you yourself believe. You believe God, believe Jesus also. There are no legitimate reasons for despising the son of God that came down from heaven to reveal God. God is the judge of all; will he be satisfied with the response that you didn’t like Christians so you refused the message of Jesus? God has not manifested anger at Jesus’ God-like behavior; instead justice and mercy have increased throughout the world. Love and kindness have been taught and practiced in the name of Jesus. Can you deny this?

Join with us, we need to impress on the rest of the world that God is calling all people to turn from sin and believe that God forgives sins and makes people new. Our first call is to be united with God through Jesus and receive the new heart that God promised us through the prophet Ezekiel. Jesus has made us acceptable in God’s sight; it is not our religious group that has done this but God through Jesus. Do not feel that in order to join Jesus it is necessary to join an organization you distrust or dislike. Seek God, seek him with your whole heart, and God will find you a place with people who do not offend you. .
Through the prophet Ezekiel, God promised to give us a new heart. Jesus came to seal that new covenant in his blood. All that the prophets said is coming true. All nations are hoping for the righteous rule of God to be established. Many people from many nations and from different faith groups are praying, “Thy kingdom come.” God has transferred to all who believe the righteousness of Jesus, and placed on Jesus the sins of all humanity. With the death of Jesus the power of sin has died. With the resurrection of Jesus eternal life has been given to all who believe. There is nothing hard to believe, nothing other than the God-like behavior of the God and Father of us all. Accept the transfer with thanks, and be amazed as day after day your heart and life are renewed.

Ezekiel 36:26, Jeremiah 31:31-33


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