Sunday, March 12, 2006

How many sons does God have?

Reading for Monday March 13
Gospel of Mark 3: 7-19

Every evil spirit that Jesus confronted cried out, “You are the Son of God’ and Jesus gave them strict orders not to tell who he was.

All people are children of God; there is an innate recognition in them that they are connected to God. After God brought Adam and Eve into being he breathed his spirit into them, and it remains. Some people did and do drive out the spirit of God, filling themselves instead with evil spirits. God destroyed the original world population because the world was full of violence and the original people thought only evil continually. The next population however is still stated to have the likeness of God in them. God has many sons.

Some of God’s children are comfortable with the notion of being related to God. They seek God’s company, communicate with him, recognize his kindnesses and enjoy being a child of God. Others however, are absent from home. God loves the absentee no less than the children who are at home with him. Even while the absent children are distancing themselves from him, he is watching over them, often protecting them from danger.

If everyone is a son or daughter of God, why did Jesus command the demons not to tell anyone that he was the son of God? The demons were not wrong; Jesus relationship to God is unique and he stresses that by refering to himself as 'The one and only son'. But he wanted no mere lip-service. God in heaven would reveal to people on earth that Jesus was The Son of God, and Jesus was willing to wait. First he would demonstrate the true nature of God by healing, the sick, and raising the dead. And he would deliver the message he had been sent to give. John the Baptist talks about The Son and says, “The Father loves the son and has given everything into his hands.” When Thomas voices the desire of all people everywhere by saying, “Show us the Father” Jesus makes a clear statement, “If you have seen me you have seen God.” We might still respond that Jesus was one of many sons but John the Baptist takes that argument away from us by saying this; “God loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands.” When Pilate asked the people why they wanted Jesus killed, their answer was; “Because he claimed to be the Son of God”

God did reveal it, "Who do you think I am?” Jesus said to Peter, and Peter responded, “You are the Son of God” This time Jesus does not command him to tell no one, but rejoices, saying that Peter is happy because he has received a revelation from God. To accept this revelation is to believe in the Son of God and to believe in the Son of God is to have, now and already, eternal life.

Genesis 9:6 John 3.16, John 3:35, John 19:7 John 3:36


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